Brand Story

Who we are

While living with ‘Rikyū(Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)’, I had a magical experience in which I communicated more with non-human beings than I did with humans. This experience allowed me to contemplate ways where both pets and owners can thrive and coexist effectively, which lead to the gathering of veterinarians, designers, marketers, engineers, and consultants who are not only pet owners, but who also share the same inspiration and passion towards our purpose.

What we do

GEOHEIM discovers and supplies high-quality products from around the world that are optimized for pets. All products are made through an environmentally friendly manufacturing process.

How we do

  • Selecting and supplying the top-rated products by referring to the production methods, ingredients, design, philosophy, sustainability, and consumer reviews of excellent companies around the world
  • Developing optimal healthcare solutionsfor the pet’s welfare
  • Operation of a regional-based platform that shares the process of birth, growth, companionship and loss of pets that are essential members of the family